The Project

Students with diverse learning needs (e.g., disabilities, low socio-economic family and/or culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds) face academic and social barriers during classroom instruction.


The PIVOT project aims to develop an innovative curriculum programme using effective teaching practices and wordless texts to address student disparities in inclusive primary classrooms.


Furthermore, the project aims to teach students how to engage actively in class and how to improve their language skills.


The overarching goals of the project are:


  1. To address the academic and social barriers faced by students with diverse academic needs (e.g., disabilities, low socio-economic family background, culturally and linguistically diverse background) during classroom instruction
  2. To build both inclusive learning environments conducive to learning and equal active participation of all students by designing and implementing a comprehensive academic curriculum program that teaches students how to engage actively in class and how to improve their language skills.
  3. To support classroom teachers address students’ diverse needs through extensive professional development training for acquiring instructional knowledge on wordless texts and inclusive teaching practices

What we will develop

  1. A cross-national report on teacher needs around wordless texts and inclusive teaching practices
  2. A programme implementation guide containing instructional materils and teacher professional development and coaching training plan
  3. An administration guide of the PIVOT assessment and policy guidelines tailored to educational stakeholders